Our services in the "Landfill" sector
We plan your development of an old landfill or landfill site.
Our services to fulfil your project:
- Professional planning
- Application and official communication
- Professional realisation of your project - from stability, hydraulic and environmental issues to greening plans.
We would be happy to advise you.
- Planning and construction supervision of overbuilt contaminated sites and landfills
- In-house and external monitoring of landfill construction work
Planning and construction supervision
Our services in the field of landfill planning and construction supervision
- Planning of surface sealing
- Planning services for building over landfills and old deposits
- Stability analyses
- Quality management
- Environmental impact assessment
- Testing the geohydraulic site properties
- Landfill gas measurements (pre- and aftercare)
EÜ and FÜ
Our services in the area of internal and external monitoring
- Self-testing of the mineral sealing components
- External testing* of the mineral sealing components
- Testing the plastic element with co-operation partners
Your added value
Sealing and building over landfills and old deposits not only opens up new areas for development, but can also make a substantial contribution to reducing greenhouse gases.
Landfill gas
Methane in particular is 25 - 30 times more harmful to the climate than CO2. By combining sealing with exhaust gas treatment, you can significantly reduce emissions of climate-damaging gases.
We support you in this by:
- Analysis and evaluation of landfill gases
- Plant planning for the treatment of landfill gases (including variants for the lean gas phase) with co-operation partners
- Advice on sustainability from our sister company Go.Blue.Now (see next page)
Conservation of resources
Use upgraded old landfills/landfill sites instead of "green meadows". Reduce land consumption sustainably.